AK032317 is the GenBank accession no. of a full-length RIKEN mouse cDNA. It encodes a putative variant of the C3-type TRPC (transient receptor potential channel) that differs from the previously cloned murine TRPC3 cDNA in that it has a 5' extension stemming from inclusion of an additional exon (exon 0). The extended cDNA adds 62 aa to the sequence of the murine TRPC3. Here, we report the cloning of a cDNA encoding the human homologue of this extended TRPC3 having a highly homologous 73-aa N-terminal extension, referred to as hTRPC3a. A query of the GenBank genomic database predicts the existence of a similar gene product also in rats. Transient expression of the longer TRPC3a in human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells showed that it mediates Ca2+ entry in response to stimulation of the Gq-phospholipase C beta pathway, which is similar to that mediated by the shorter hTRPC3. However, after isolation of HEK cells expressing hTRPC3 in stable form, TRPC3a gave rise to Ca2+-entry channels that are not only activated by the Gq-phospholipase C beta pathway (receptor-activated Ca entry) but also by thapsigargin triggered store depletion. In conjunction with findings from our and other laboratories that TRPC1, TRPC2, TRPC4, TRPC5, and TRPC7, can each mediate store-depletion-activated Ca2+ entry in mammalian cells, our findings with hTRC3a support our previous proposal that TRPCs form capacitative Ca-entry channels.