The cytological study of bone marrow aspirate, is a useful technique in diagnosis and epidemiological surveillance of hemopathies. Between January 1991 and February 1999, we realized 1000 bone marrow puncture in Dakar hospitals, this study aims to analyze the frequency of diagnosed hemopathies, and to appreciate justification of prescription. Mean age was 31.6 (1 to 88 years). Bone marrow puncture was safe because no incident was observed. Interpretation was possible in 937 cases while the 33 authors was diluted by blood. Bone marrow was normal in 550 cases (57.3%) whereas abnormality was detected in 417 cases (42.7%). The more frequent pathology were quantitative or qualitative defect of bone marrow production with respectively 25.8% and 20.1%, followed by chronic myeloid leukemia (16%), lymphoproliferative disorders (16%), acute leukemias (13.9%), bone marrow metastasis (5.9%), and storage diseases (1.9%). The best justification of the prescription was obtained when done on the basis of hemogram abnormalities or signs in hematopoietic organs with a pathology found in 90% of cases. Prescription on the basis of non hematological signs or to search for metastasis when primitive tumor was not identified were less efficient with respectively 20% and 42% of normal bone marrow. These results emphasize the interest of bone marrow aspiration in epidemiological surveillance of hemopathies, and the advantage to respect the rights indications, in consideration of pain and intolerability of the puncture by patients.