Within the context of WHO/CDS/RBM/2000, a survey was conducted in 2001 by the National Malaria Control Program of Benin. Following a well-thought-out choice, the survey took place simultaneously in health areas corresponding to epidemiological regions. Morbidity due to malaria is very high among children under five years admitted in external clinic (44.3% of cases) and (46.5%) for hospitalization. The crude rate of mortality is 129%. The use of non-impregnated bednet is usually met in three health areas, where 47.4% of the household have at least one non-impregnated bednet versus 5.4% of household with impregnated bednets. Percentage of pregnant women sleeping under an impregnated bednet and following chemoprophylaxis is respectively 43.3% and 3.8%. Results obtained at the end of this database survey in 2001 have facilitated the definition of indicators of the process, results and impact which remain very useful for the implementation of the monitoring and assessment system of "Roll Back Malaria" in Benin.