Introduction: Ventriculo-peritoneal (VP) shunt malfunction is usually due to blockage of the ventricular catheter and this is typically apparent as enlarged ventricles on a CT scan of the brain. We describe a less common radiological finding in an infant with a blocked shunt.
Case report: A male infant presenting with hydrocephalus in the neonatal period underwent insertion of a VP shunt. He represented at 17 months of age with the clinical features of raised intracranial pressure. A CT scan of the brain revealed that the ventricles were smaller compared with his previous scan, but X-rays taken as part of the shunt series revealed diastasis of the sagittal, coronal and lambdoid sutures. The shunt was explored and the ventricular catheter was found to be blocked and was replaced. Post-operatively there was complete resolution of the symptoms and the suture diastasis.
Conclusions: Suture diastasis with small ventricles on a CT scan of the brain is an unusual radiological finding in an infant with a blocked shunt. Suture diastasis in this patient suggests raised intracranial volume and this may be due to the transependymal absorption of CSF into the white matter.