Aim: To present the clinical features of Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in overweight European Caucasian children and adolescents.
Methods: We report the clinical characteristics of 16 non-syndromal overweight European Caucasian adolescents with T2DM (10 boys, 6 girls, SDS-BMI in median +2.8, range +1.6 to +3.4) treated in 5 specialised centres for obesity and diabetes.
Results: None of the adolescents manifested with ketoacidosis. 13 were asymptomatic (3 adolescents with polyuria), 12 showed features of metabolic syndrome (dyslipidaemia or hypertension), 8 demonstrated acanthosis nigricans and 12 had relatives with T2DM. 11 adolescents were extremely obese and all patients were pubertal. Mean age at diagnosis was 14.2 years (range 11.0 - 16.9). Median insulin was 19 microU/ml, insulin resistance index (HOMA) 8.5, C-peptide 2.3 ng/ml, HbA1c 6.9 %, fasting blood glucose 176 mg/dl and blood glucose at 2 hours with the oGTT 229 mg/dl at manifestation. Fasting blood glucose and HBA1c were in the normal range in 4 and 6 adolescents respectively, while oGTT always fitted the diagnosis of T2DM.
Conclusion: Since T2DM occurred in Caucasian overweight adolescents and is frequently asymptomatic, it is essential that clinicians perform diagnostic procedures to identify T2DM in high-risk groups of overweight Caucasian adolescents (extreme obesity, features of metabolic syndrome, relatives with T2DM).