Background: This study evaluates the correlation between preoperative symptoms, quality-of-life questionnaires (chronic sinusitis survey and 20-Item Sinonasal Outcome Test [SNOT-20]), and staging on computer tomography (CT). It consisted of a prospective cohort study of all consecutive patients undergoing surgery for medically nonresponsive chronic sinusitis, which took place at a tertiary care center.
Methods: Two hundred twenty-one patients completed the Chronic Sinusitis Survey (CSS) questionnaire and the SNOT-20. A visual analog scale (VAS) symptom score was completed also. The average age of the patients was 44.5 years and the male/female ratio was 1.3:1. The symptom scores of all three questionnaires were compared with the Lund-MacKay CT scan score of the sinuses.
Results: The median Lund-MacKay CT score was 12 (mean +/- SD, 12.7 +/- 5.7). There was no significant correlation between the SNOT-20 questionnaire and the Lund-MacKay CT score (p = 0.026; p = 0.764) and between the CSS and the Lund-MacKay CT score (p = -0.158; p = 0.058). Furthermore, there was no significant correlation between a single VAS symptom score relating to overall sinonasal symptom severity and the Lund-MacKay CT scan score (p = 0.135; p = 0.121). However, a weak but statistically significant correlation was found between the VAS score based on the sum of five sinonasal symptoms and the Lund-MacKay CT scan score (p = 0.197; p = 0.020).
Conclusion: The score, based on the sum of five sinonasal VAS symptoms, correlates to the disease severity as measured by the Lund-MacKay CT scan score. The SNOT-20 questionnaire and the CSS symptom score do not correlate to the Lund-MacKay CT scan score, although a correlation was found between the CSS score and the Lund-MacKay CT score in various sub-groups of our patient population.