This study examined the role of seasonality in the reporting of poisoning exposures from geographically distinct regions, specifically from coastal resort and vacation areas. The monthly distribution of calls received by a regional poison control center from counties with popular beach and vacation resorts was compared with the monthly distribution of the overall calls to the center. A chi-square goodness-of-fit test was used to determine if there was a significant difference between the monthly distribution of calls received from the resort counties and the overall calls received by the poison center. Further, exposure and information calls from the resort counties were separately examined to determine if they were equally distributed between months. The monthly distribution of calls received from coastal resort counties was significantly different from the monthly distribution of overall calls received by the center. Significantly more calls were received from the resort counties during the months of July and August at the height of the vacation season. While there was no seasonal variation in the number of information calls from these counties, the poisoning exposure calls were not equally distributed between months, as there were more such calls during the months of July and August. Seasonality appears to play a role in the number of calls received by a regional poison center from coastal areas with popular beach resorts. Poisoning exposure calls seem to increase particularly during the months of July and August. A greater effort may have to be put into activities related to poison control and prevention into such areas during the vacation season.