To evaluate the cicatrization of the uterine horn after the recanalization by endoluminal laser probe, 50 white female rats of Wistar's race have been separated into two groups. The group 1 (nb = 10) had for aim to validated the procedure of obstruction. In group 2 (nb = 40), we performed the recanalization six weeks after the obstruction. Histologic samples were obtained 48 hours, 3 weeks and 6 weeks after treatment. In group 1, we found a complete obstruction in 70% of the cases, and a tight stenosis in 30% of the cases. In group 2, at 48 hour's control after the treatment by laser, we found a drill hole with a blackened look without parietal sequel in 80% of the cases. At 6 week's control, we found a normal lumen with a regeneration of the epithelioma in 85% of the cases. For energy deposition under 30 Joules, we found good results in 95% of the cases. Above 30 Joules, we always found bad results (5 cases on 5).