The general awareness of the importance of peptides in physiology and pathophysiology has increased strongly over the last few years. With worldwide progress in the analysis of whole genomes, the knowledge base in gene sequence and expression data useful for protein and peptide analysis has drastically increased. The medical need for relevant biomarkers is enormous. This is particularly true for the many types of cancer, but other diseases such as Type 2 diabetes also lack useful and adequate diagnostic markers with high specificity and sensitivity. Despite advances in imaging technologies for early detection of diseases, proteomic and peptidomic multiplex techniques have evolved in recent years. This review focuses on the application of peptidomics technologies to peptides in health and disease. Peptidomics technologies provide new opportunities for the detection of low-molecular-weight proteome biomarkers (peptides) by mass spectrometry. Improvements in peptidomics research are based on separation of peptides and/or proteins by their physicochemical properties in combination with mass spectrometric detection, identification and sophisticated bioinformatics tools for data analysis. Therefore, peptidomics technologies offer an opportunity to discover novel biomarkers for diagnosis and management of disease (e.g., prognosis, treatment decision and monitoring response to therapy).