Background: Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) is an inherited disorder of elastic tissue. We recently found that heterozygosity for the frequent (0.8% prevalence in Dutch population) R1141X mutation in the PXE gene coding for the ABCC6 transporter, is associated with a fourfold risk of premature coronary artery disease. Yet, it is not clear whether or not heterozygosity for this mutation results in a mild PXE phenotype. The objective of our study was to determine if skin and/or eye abnormalities related to a PXE phenotype could be found in patients with premature coronary artery disease, with and without the R1141X mutation.
Methods: R1141X mutation carriers with premature coronary artery disease (cases) and patients with premature coronary artery disease with no-or not known-mutation (controls) were studied. Cases and controls were examined for PXE-like skin changes and retinal angioid streaks, peau d'orange or pigment epithelium changes.
Results: 7 cases and 31 controls were analysed. In both the mutation-positive and the control group, skin inspection and eye fundus examination did not reveal any dermatological or ocular signs of PXE.
Conclusions: Carriers for the ABCC6 R1141X mutation, which is frequent and confers a high risk of premature coronary artery disease, do not commonly have skin or eye abnormalities consistent with a mild PXE phenotype.