Objective: To report a rare case of umbilical cord hemangioma and to discuss its association with vascular birthmarks.
Methods: A case of umbilical cord hemangioma diagnosed by ultrasound at 28 weeks of gestation is reported. After labor induction at 38 weeks of gestation, a male infant was born. Examination of the newborn showed disseminated port wine flat skin lesions covering a significant part of his body. Reviewing the scientific literature revealed the association between umbilical cord hemangioma and fetal mortality and morbidity, in particular, vascular malformations.
Results: A total of 24 umbilical cord hemangioma cases were reported in detail. Of them, 37.5% were associated with perinatal mortality and 29.2% ended in the delivery of a normal healthy infant. Fetal morbidity was recognized in 33.3%.
Conclusion: This case illustrates the importance of prenatal diagnosis of umbilical cord hemangioma for prenatal counseling.