The impacts of diffuse urban sources of pollution on watercourses are quantified. A survey of nine urban streams in Scotland for persistent pollutants in stream sediments is described, together with sediments from SUDS ponds. Determinands reported are: PAHs, total hydrocarbons, and toxic metals (As, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cu, Cr, Cd). Results highlight hydrocarbons as a major urban pollutant, and show significant sediment contamination by toxic metals. The metals that occurred in the highest concentrations varied across the nine streams, but Pb, Cr, Ni, Zn and Cu most frequently present exceeded sediment quality standards. The pattern of contamination by PAHs suggested that pyrolytic sources were more ubiquitous and present in greater quantities than oil spill sources in these urban catchments. Exceptions were the sites below industrial estates. The findings indicate that four levels of activity will be needed to control urban diffuse sources of pollution: reductions in quantities of toxic pollutants used by manufacturers in the motor and construction industries; housekeeping measures to minimise storage and handling risks for oil and chemicals; public engagement to minimise polluting activities such as dumping oil and chemicals, and private car use; use of SUDS technology, including retro-fits in the worst affected urban areas.