Sixty-five inpatients in various surgery departments were questioned about their knowledge and opinions regarding nosocomial infection, the information they were given on nosocomial infection, and their supposed attitude should they contract a nosocomial infection.
Results: Seventeen (26%, [16-39%]) were able to describe nosocomial infections as infections acquired in hospital. Identification of nosocomial infections as hospital-acquired infections was significantly associated with a high educational level and with having a member of their own family working in a health-related field. Fifty-two patients (80.0%, [68.2-88.9%]) stated that during their hospitalization they had received no information concerning nosocomial infections and 50 patients (76.9% [64.8-86.5]) mentioned that patients would welcome information about nosocomial infections. Thirty-three patients [50.8, 95% CI(38.6-62.9%)] declared that they would seek legal action against the hospital should they contract a nosocomial infection. There was a trend toward a higher probability of legal action in patients who rated their own risk of nosocomial infection as low or absent versus those who rated their own risk of nosocomial infection as medium or high (58.0% vs. 28.6%, p=0.051). The intention of seeking legal action against the hospital in case of nosocomial infection was not significantly influenced by patients' opinion regarding nosocomial infection preventability.