Background: Since June 2001 we activated a program for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction, based on the early assessment of the patient's risk profile, on telematic connection among care centers and optimization of critical pathways for access to care. The aim of this work was to assess the effectiveness of telemedicine in the reduction of time to treatment.
Methods: Mantova, a province of eastern Lombardy (northern Italy) is provided with one single sanitary district with one (tertiary hospital) referring hospital equipped with a cath lab on call 24/24 hours for primary coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and cardiac surgery and 6 community hospitals: 2 with coronary care units, 2 with a cardiology section, and 2 rehabilitation hospitals. The emergency medical system transport, activated 24/24 hours, consists of 6 advanced life support (ALS) ambulances and 11 basic life support (BLS) ambulances (2 with trained nurse staff). Each ALS ambulance is equipped with a semiautomatic defibrillator LIFEPACK 12 coupled with cellular telephone GSM transmission of the 12-lead ECG.
Results: In the first 3-year activity of the project 340 patients with acute myocardial infarction underwent primary PTCA: 248 (73%) referred to first aid of the nearest hospital reached either by BLS ambulance or by their own means of transport and were hence transferred to the referring hospital for primary PTCA (group A), while 92 patients (27%) were aided at their own house by ALS ambulances and, after transmission of the 12-lead ECG to the referring coronary care unit, were directly transferred to the cath lab (group B). Decisional delay was 144 +/- 65 min in group A while 74 +/- 37 min in group B. Mean door-to-balloon time was 76 +/- 26 min in group A and 47 +/- 21 min in group B. High incidence of post-procedural TIMI 3 flow was achieved in both groups. In-hospital mortality was 6.8% in group A e 5.4% in group B.
Conclusions: Our data show that patients referring directly to ALS ambulances had a lower decisional delay. Transmission of the patient's ECG and clinical parameters allows an early and accurate diagnosis and assessment of the individual risk profile with a consistent reduction in time to treatment and positive effects on the mortality rate.