Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate the occurrence of equilibrium disturbances in headache patients, during the interictal period, by computerized static stabilometry.
Materials and methods: Sixty-seven patients were studied: 35 with migraine without aura (MwoA), 12 with tension-type headache (TTH) in the episodic form (ETTH) + MwoA, and 20 with only TTH [10 ETTH + 10 chronic (CTTH)]. The stabilometric parameters considered were: statokinesigram length (L) and surface (S) in open (EO) and closed (EC) eyes conditions with/without occlusal bite, EC with head retroflexion (ECR), and optokinetic stimulation (OKN).
Results: The alteration of at least one of the stabilometric parameters was observed in 45 patients (67.2%): 21 MwoA, 8 ETTH + MwoA, and 16 TTH (8 ETTH + 8 CTTH).
Conclusion: In TTH patients (ETTH, CTTH, ETTH + MwoA), the stabilometric findings show a proprioceptive alteration induced by cervicofacial muscle contraction, which was peripheral in origin. In MwoA patients the alterations appear under OKN and support a control impairment in involuntary oculomotility of central origin.