Objective: To study consistency of data and completeness of reporting in a national vascular registry, NorKar, and a national administrative registry, The Norwegian patient register (NPR).
Design: Comparative registry-based national study supplemented with a comprehensive control of patients registered in one major hospital.
Material: All patients registered with a procedure-code for treatment of AAA in NorKar or NPR during 2001 or 2002, were included.
Method: We compared the reporting of procedure-codes, diagnosis-codes and in-hospital deaths after treatment for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in the two registries to evaluate completeness. Consistency between procedure-codes and diagnoses were evaluated within both registries. Completeness of reporting to one NorKar Local Registry was investigated in more detail in one of the hospitals.
Results: Compared with the NPR numbers, NorKar contained 69% of the patients treated for AAA in Norway, while completeness for NorKar member hospitals was 84%. The detailed investigation in one of the hospitals showed a completeness of 91% and a false inclusion of 5.3% of all cases treated for AAA. The consistency between procedure-codes and diagnosis-codes was 93% in both registries. We found evidence of substantial underreporting of in-hospital deaths to NorKar in several hospitals. Overall reporting of early deaths to NorKar relative to completeness of reported cases was estimated to 72%.
Conclusion: There is an underreporting of patients with AAA to NorKar according to the NPR numbers and a need for better control of procedure-diagnosis consistency in both registries. There seems to be a substantial underreporting of early deaths to NorKar. Introduction of unique patient-identifiable data could improve the quality of both registries by making matching of data possible.