V-ATPases are membrane protein complexes that pump protons in the lumen of various subcellular compartments at the expense of ATP. Proton pumping is done by a rotary mechanism that requires a static connection between the membrane pumping domain (V(0)) and the extrinsic catalytic head (V(1)). This static connection is composed of several known subunits of the V-ATPase, but their location and topological relationships are still a matter of controversy. Here, we propose a model for the V-ATPase of Neurospora crassa on the basis of single-particle analysis by electron microscopy. Comparison of the resulting map to that of the A-ATPase from Thermus thermophilus allows the positioning of two subunits in the static connecting region that are unique to eukaryotic V-ATPases (C and H). These two subunits seem to be located on opposite sides of a semicircular arrangement of the peripheral connecting elements, suggesting a role in stabilizing the stator in V-ATPases.