Objective: To assess the long-term efficacy and tolerability of a therapy consisting of infliximab at low dosage plus methotrexate in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA). As a second objective, we assessed whether the improvement obtained after 54 weeks of infliximab could be maintained with methotrexate alone.
Methods: A group of 26 patients with peripheral PsA resistant to various DMARDs were treated with infliximab + methotrexate for 54 weeks.
Results: The clinical response after the induction period was constant and progressive, with a high percentage of patients achieving an ACR50 response. The ESR and CRP values also declined continuously and gradually, but only CRP returned to normal values. During the follow-up period after 54 weeks, infliximab was stopped and the improvement obtained lasted for 2-6 months. The secondary end point was not achieved, and an extension period was designed. Results at 78 weeks are presented.
Conclusions: Open questions for treating patients with infliximab and methotrexate are the schedule and the length of the administration and how to preserve the improvement obtained after the drug discontinuation.