A retrospective descriptive study is carried out from the whole of malignant cutaneous melanomas diagnosed at the Dermatology Service of the General University Hospital of Valencia (HGUV), during the period 1977-1987, in which the 80% of the whole of the cases in the province of Valencia are diagnosed, specifically 247 patients are studied. The ones located on the leg stand out 21%, followed by posterior thorax 14% and face 12%. Likewise, differences statistically significant p less than 0.001 are observed among the distinct histological types of cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) with regard to the depth of the tumours invasion (measured in Clark levels and millimetres of depth), mitosis/area, mitosis index and prognosis index. Being the lentigo of malignant melanoma (LMM) the histological type diagnosed in earlier phases, hence it is the most capable variant of curative treatment, just the opposite that happens to the nodular malignant melanoma (NMM), that is normally diagnosed in more advanced phases of the illness.