Upregulation of utrophin in muscle is currently being examined as a potential therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients. In this context, we generated transgenic mice harboring a 1.3 kb human utrophin A promoter fragment driving expression of the lacZ gene. Characterization of reporter expression during postnatal muscle development revealed that the levels and localization of beta-galactosidase parallel expression of utrophin A transcripts. Moreover, we noted that the utrophin A promoter is more active in slow soleus muscles. Additionally, expression of the reporter gene was regulated during muscle regeneration in a manner similar to utrophin A transcripts. Together, these results show that the utrophin A promoter-lacZ construct mirrors expression of utrophin A mRNAs indicating that this utrophin A promoter fragment confers temporal and spatial patterns of expression in skeletal muscle. This transgenic mouse will be valuable as an in vivo model for developing and testing molecules aimed at increasing utrophin A expression.