We performed a series of successful experiments for the optimization of the population transfer from the ground to the first excited state in a complex solvated molecule (rhodamine 101 in methanol) using shaped excitation pulses at very low intensities (1 absorbed photon per 100-500 molecules per pulse). We found that the population transfer can be controlled and significantly enhanced by applying excitation laser pulses with crafted pulse shapes. The optimal shape was found in feedback-controlled experiments using a genetic search algorithm. The temporal profile of the optimal excitation pulse corresponds to a comb of subpulses regularly spaced by approximately 150 fs, whereas its spectrum consists of a series of well-resolved peaks spaced apart by approximately 6.5 nm corresponding to a frequency of 220 cm(-1). This frequency matches very well with the frequency modulation of the population kinetics (period of approximately 150 fs), observed by excitation with a short (approximately 20 fs) transform-limited laser pulse directly after excitation. In addition, an antioptimization experiment was performed under the same conditions. The difference in the population of the excited state for the optimal and antioptimal pulses reaches approximately 30% even at very weak excitation. The results of optimization are reproducible and have clear physical meaning.