Nine of 18 chimpanzees inoculated with 250 infective third-stage larvae (L3) each developed patent (i.e., positive for microfilariae) Onchocerca volvulus infection. Four of 6 infected chimpanzees that received 200 micrograms/kg ivermectin at 28 days postinfection (pi) became patent, whereas, when ivermectin was given concurrently with L3 challenge only 1 of 6 infected animals developed patent infection. The antibody response to O. volvulus adult worm-derived antigens (OvAg) showed clear differences between patent and nonpatent chimpanzees. Three months pi, all sera detected several OvAg in the range of M(r) 35-120 k. Sera collected 6 mo pi from later patent animals recognized increasing numbers of OvAg, especially in the lower MW range of M(r) 13 to 33 k. Beginning 10 months pi Onchocerca-antigens of M(r) 21, 24, 26, and 28 k were detected only by patent chimpanzee's sera. The antibody response in nonpatent chimpanzees consistently recognized fewer OvAg, most of which were limited to the higher M(r) range (35-120 k). The reactivity of sera from infected chimpanzees to a low molecular weight fraction (LMW) of total OvAg doubled within 6 months pi, and increased continuously in patent animals from 13 until 30 months pi. Serological reactivity of nonpatent animals to LMW-OvAg remained low. The titers of circulating IgG directed against total OvAg increased in all infected chimpanzees, and continued to rise with patency. In nonpatent chimpanzees the antibody production gradually returned to preinfection values. Total and OvAg-specific IgE increased in patent and nonpatent chimpanzees. Also, during prepatency the granulocyte and antibody-mediated in vitro killing of microfilariae of O. volvulus increased in subsequently patent chimpanzees. The in vitro immobilization of L3 remained low.