The Western Ghats of Southwestern India are known as one of the world's "hotspots" of biodiversity. We collected frog specimens from the family Ranidae and investigated the phylogenetic relationships among ranid species, particularly among the Fejervarya, a genus whose morphological diagnostic characteristics and phylogenetic features remain little known. We analyzed partial sequences of the mitochondrial 12S (428 bp) and 16S rDNAs (549 bp). Results showed that the members of Fejervarya form a monophyletic group with the genera Hoplobatrachus and Euphlyctis among ranid genera. This confirms the recent allocation of Fejervarya, including it within the subfamily Dicroglossinae. The mitochondrial rDNA data in our study also appeared to be useful as a marker to distinguish Fejervarya species without morphological differences. The phylogenetic tree based on the 16S rDNA sequence showed a correlation between Fejervarya phylogenies and their geographic distributions. Lastly, our results suggested the recent occurrence of a radiation event of Fejervarya species in the Indian-Sri Lankan region.