Background: Implementing evidence-based clinical guidelines by means of clinical pathways is one of the key elements of continuous quality management at the University Hospital of Marburg. This paper explains how clinical pathways for suicidal ideation and suicide attempts were developed.
Methods: Based upon a review of existing guidelines and literature, optimal standards of care were defined. Step-by-step analysis of the process of care and results of a questionnaire were used to describe the actual processes. A problem-orientated comparison of the actual and the optimal process of care was the basis for developing these pathways. A consensus was achieved with all persons involved in the respective process of care taking into consideration local resources as well as barriers. The most important decisions and interventions were defined and presented as a patient-oriented process.
Results: The lack of explicit "how to do it"-recommendations of the guidelines for the entire care processes required specific, locally tailored adaptations. Potentials for improvement were identified in the following areas: transfer of patients, consultation, information and coordination within the team, and diagnosis of suicide risk. The pathways include care-oriented algorithms, checklists and assignments of responsibility.
Conclusions: The development of clinical pathways as part of quality management and transsectoral integrated care in psychiatry and psychotherapy is feasible. The concept presented incorporates the potential of increasing transparency, efficiency and efficacy of care, and of improving satisfaction of those involved. It offers psychiatric hospitals the chance to guarantee optimal quality of care in face of increasing workload and costs.