Thirty-seven patients with systemic JRA were analyzed. Fifty four per cent of patients had mono-cyclic systemic type. Age at onset ranged from 6.0-6.8 years (median 6.4). Boys were more affected than girls (24/11). Cardiac involvement occurred in 10 patients (27%). Patients with cardiac troubles showed significantly much number of the white blood cell counts at admission and the max white blood cell count than those without cardiac troubles. Duration of positive CRP was shorter in patients with cardiac involvement who were all given cortico-steroid hormone those without cardiac involvement. This means that it is better to use steroid hormone early for patients with cardiac involvement. Patients with chronic arthritis type had higher elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and serum C3 level at admission and longer duration of positive CRP. We speculated that these date showed inflammation of joints. The onset subtype, which was determined by manifestations during the first 6 months of disease, was important for predicting clinical course and outcome.