Live-attenuated recombinant human parainfluenza virus type 2 (rHPIV2) vaccine candidates were created using reverse genetics by importing known attenuating mutations in the L polymerase protein from heterologous paramyxoviruses into the homologous sites of the HPIV2 L protein. Four recombinants (rF460L, rY948H, rL1566I, and rS1724I) were recovered and three were attenuated for replication in hamsters. The genetic stability of the imported mutations at three of the four sites was enhanced by use of alternative codons or by deletion of a pair of amino acids. rHPIV2s bearing these modified mutations exhibited enhanced attenuation. The genetically stabilized mutations conferring a high level of attenuation will be useful in generating a live-attenuated virus vaccine for HPIV2.