A phantom has been developed, which permits the perfusion of defined stenosis with variable flow rates. The post-stenotic flow patterns were imaged by means of conventional MRI sequences and special angiographic sequences using a 1.5 total body scanner (Gyroscan S15, Philips). For conventional MRI images, spin-echo-sequences (TR 500 ms, TE 27 ms with reconstruction of the magnitude and phase images) and gradient-echo-sequences (TR 60 ms, TE 27 ms, flip angle 15 degrees with reconstruction of the magnitude images) were used. For MR angiography 2D inflow (multiple-single-slice-technique, TR 40 ms, TE 14 ms, flip angle 60 degrees) and flow-adjusted-gradient-sequences (TR 24 ms, TE 10 ms, flip angle 60 degrees) were performed. In addition to an analysis of the appearances, the length of the changed signal intensity beyond the stenosis was evaluated. For constant flow rates it increases with the severity of the stenosis. For a constant stenosis the length of the post-stenotic signal change alters with flow rate. The changes also depend on the direction of flow and the gradients of the chosen sequences. The comparison of magnitude and phase images allows the discrimination between turbulent and non-turbulent flow. It therefore appears possible to estimate the severity of arteriosclerotic occlusive disease by means of MRI in the future.