Meningiomas are histologically and clinically diverse CNS neoplasms with few available immunohistochemical markers of differentiation and progression. Therefore, we investigated a panel of potentially useful meningioma-associated biomarkers using high throughput tissue microarray immunohistochemistry (TMA-IHC) with a TMA that includes 9 hemangiopericytomas (HPCs) and 41 meningiomas spanning all grades, as well as two subsets of atypical meningiomas, stratified according to clinical behavior. Antibodies utilized were progesterone receptor (PR), epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), cathepsin D, E-cadherin, platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor beta, PDGF BB ligand, survivin, epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). In most cases, frequencies of tumor positivity were similar to those previously reported using whole section IHC. EMA, E-cadherin, and PDGFR-beta staining patterns distinguished the anaplastic meningiomas from the HPCs (P < 0.001, P = 0.02, P = 0.015, respectively). As in prior studies, PR and cathepsin D expression were inversely proportional to tumor grade. However, PR and EGFR were also differentially expressed between symptomatic, surgically resected benign meningiomas and incidental meningiomas found at autopsy. We conclude that (1) TMA-IHC is an accurate and efficient way to rapidly assess biomarkers in meningeal tumors, (2) EMA, E-cadherin, and PDGFR-beta are useful in distinguishing anaplastic meningiomas from HPCs, and (3) the expression patterns for incidental meningiomas differ slightly from their surgically resected symptomatic counterparts.