We performed bladder-sparing surgery and continent urinary diversion in two patients with urethral cancer. The first patient was a 58-year-old man with bulbomembranous urethral cancer (squamous cell carcinoma, cT2N0M0). The second patient was a 77-year-old woman with urethral cancer invading the vaginal wall (transitional cell carcinoma with squamous cell carcinoma, cT3N0M0). After bladder-sparing urethrectomy, continent urinary diversion with appendicovesicostomy (Mitrofanoff procedure) was performed in the both patients. More than 4 years after the surgery, both patients were continent, had no trouble with catheterization, and experienced no recurrence of cancer. Bladder-sparing surgery and urinary diversion based on the Mitrofanoff procedure can be considered for appropriately selected patients with urethral cancer.