Sands for the nourishment of beaches along the Emilia-Romagna coast (northern Adriatic Sea) were dredged from an offshore area characterised by relict sands formed during the last Adriatic post-glacial transgression. The short-term effects of the sand extraction on macrozoobenthic communities were investigated before, during and 1, 6 and 12 months after dredging at three impacted stations and seven control stations. Sand extraction activities did not significantly influence the granulometry and %TOC in the sediment but caused almost complete defaunation at dredging stations. Yet, just 12 months after the extraction, the recolonisation of communities at the impacted stations was at an advanced stage. Unlike other studies on the effects of extraction of marine sand, no significant settlement of opportunistic species was observed. The limited impact of the sand extraction operation on the physical characteristics of the sediment and hydrological-sedimentary characteristics in the relict sand area should aid its rapid recovery and the restoration of the original community in a short period of time (2-4 years after dredging).