The adaptor protein (AP) complexes are involved in membrane transport of many proteins. There are 3 AP complexes in C. elegans unlike mammals that have four. To study the biological functions of the AP-3 complexes of C. elegans, we sought homologues of the mouse and human genes that encode subunits of the AP-3 complexes by screening C. elegans genomic and EST sequences. We identified single copies of homologues of the m3, s3, b3 and d genes. The medium chain of AP-3 is encoded by a single gene in C. elegans but two different genes in mammals. Since there are no known mutations in these genes in C. elegans, we performed RNAi to assess their functions in development. RNAi of each of the genes caused embryonic and larval lethal phenotypes. APM-3 is expressed in most cells, particularly strongly in spermatheca and vulva. We conclude that the products of the C. elegans m3, s3, b3 and d genes are essential for embryogenesis and larval development.