PROSIT (research PROject on Stroke services in ITaly) is a study performed to evaluate number and work organisation of acute in-hospital services (stroke units, SU) and general wards (GW), in seven Italian regions (Liguria, Lombardia, Lazio, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, Emilia Romagna, Toscana), which have a population of 29,169,811 inhabitants and a relative ratio of 225/100,000 hospitalisations for acute stroke. The registers of hospital discharges from January to December 1999 were looked at identify to services recording at least 50 acute stroke discharges (DRG14) per year. A structured questionnaire investigating stroke service characteristics was submitted to the doctors in charge of the identified units and completed in the presence of an external observer between October 2000 and February 2001. SUs were identified as units with dedicated beds (at least 80%) and team (at least 1 physician and 1 nurse) for acute stroke patients. SUs are still uncommon in many Italian regions because only, as 7% of the wards evaluated were found to be a SU and less than 10% of acute stroke patients resulted to be admitted to a SU. Great heterogeneity was found between the different regions surveyed. The most striking differences between SUs and GW were related to the staffing and care organisation, with higher number/patients ratio in SUs as far as physicians and nurses, speech therapists and social workers were concerned.