Objective: To discuss the changes of the auditory brain stem response in patients with Ramsay Hunt syndrome.
Method: Thirty-six patients of Ramsay Hunt syndrome,who have only unilateral involvement with contralateral good ear, were studied with pure tone test and auditory brain stem response. The latencies of peaks I, III and V and interpeak latencies of I-III, I-V and III-V in bilateral ears were analyzed by SPSS 10.0 for windows.
Result: Compared to the controlateral, the affected ears were significantly increased in latencies of II, V and interpeak latencies of I-III, I-V ( P < 0.05).
Conclusion: The audiological data suggested that cochlear or retrocochlear involvement or involvement at more than one site along the auditory pathway existed in Ramsay Hunt syndrome, but pure cochlear hearing loss is not common.