The extent to which growth after renal transplantation differs between children with a living related donor graft (LRD) and those with a cadaveric donor graft (CAD) is unclear. We retrospectively studied growth in the 5 years after transplantation in 30 boys who received LRD and 21 who received CAD. Height was similar in both groups after transplantation but was greater in LRD than in CAD recipients during follow-up. LRD recipients were taller at all ages, and had greater growth velocity in infancy and during puberty. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was higher immediately after transplantation in LRD than in CAD recipients, but did not differ between the groups during follow-up. GFR and other factors did not affect height 5 years after transplantation. These findings support use of LRD as the preferred option in children.