Data on diet quality in Croatian university students have been missing for more than 15?years. A food approach rather than a nutrient approach appears more appropriate to present knowledge on diet and health. The aim of the present study was to evaluate diet quality in Croatian university students (n = 663) with the Mediterranean Dietary Quality Index (M-DQI) in continental and Mediterranean regions. The M-DQI was determined with a Quantified Food Frequency Questionnaire. The minimum score for the M-DQI is 0 and the maximum score is 14. A higher score indicates a less healthy diet. The score for the M-DQI was the same in both regions (9.6) and did not differ significantly. In the category for scores 8-14 were 84.0% and 84.6% of students in the continental and Mediterranean regions, respectively. Higher correlation for the M-DQI was observed with macronutrient intakes than with micronutrient intakes. The M-DQI did not correlate with trans-fatty acid intake. A significant correlation (negative) with lycopene was observed in the Mediterranean region only. The body mass index did not correlate with the M-DQI. Students from both regions, continental and Mediterranean, had a lower diet quality evaluated with the M-DQI, with no significant difference according to region.