One of the main limitations in using inverse methods for non-invasively imaging cardiac electrical activity in a clinical setting is the difficulty in readily obtaining high-quality data sets to reconstruct accurately a patient-specific geometric model of the heart and torso. This issue was addressed by investigation into the feasibility of using a pseudo-3D ultrasound system and a hand-held laser scanner to reconstruct such a model. This information was collected in under 20 min prior to a catheter ablation or pacemaker study in the electrophysiology laboratory. Using the models created from these data, different activation field maps were computed using several different inverse methods. These were independently validated by comparison of the earliest site of activation with the physical location of the pacing electrodes, as determined from orthogonal fluoroscopy images. With an estimated average geometric error of approximately 8 mm, it was also possible to reconstruct the site of initial activation to within 17.3 mm and obtain a quantitatively realistic activation sequence. The study demonstrates that it is possible rapidly to construct a geometric model that can then be used non-invasively to reconstruct an activation field map of the heart.