Contemporary neuropsychological studies have stressed the widely distributed and multicomponential nature of human affective processes. Here, we examined facial electromyographic (EMG) (zygomaticus and corrugator muscle activity), autonomic (skin conductance and heart rate) and subjective measures of affective valence and arousal in patient TG, a 30 year-old man with left anterior mediotemporal and left orbitofrontal lesions resulting from a traumatic brain injury. Both TG and a normal control group were exposed to hedonically valenced visual and olfactory stimuli. In contrast with control subjects, facial EMG and electrodermal activity in TG did not differentiate among pleasant, unpleasant and neutral pictures. In addition, the controls reacted spontaneously with larger corrugator EMG activity and higher skin conductance to unpleasant odors. By contrast, the subjective feeling states (pleasure and arousal ratings) remained preserved in TG. The covariation between facial and self-report measures of negative valence was also a function of the nature of the olfactory task in the patient only. Taken together, the data suggest a functional dissociation between brain substrates supporting generation of emotion and those supporting representation of emotion.