Stretches of cytosines and guanosines have been shown in vitro to adopt non-canonical structures known as i-motifs and G-quartets, respectively. When combined, such sequences are expected to either retain their structure or form duplexes or triple helices. All these structures may occur in vivo whenever the sequence criteria are met. Such stretches are present in the circular genome of human mitochondria, as two 10 nucleotide-long perfect tandem direct repeats (DR1 and DR2). The DR1 and DR2 repeats are G-rich on the heavy strand and C-rich on the light strand. Previous results suggested that during replication, transient formation of a parallel GGC triple helix between the neo-synthesised G-rich DR1 and the double-stranded homologous DR2 could be involved in a rearrangement process leading to genome instability. In order to get structural insights into the interaction between the two repeats, we have studied by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) the assembly properties of a 24-mer oligodeoxyribonucleotide in which the C- and G-rich segments of the DRs are covalently tethered by a TTTT linker. We show here that this 24-mer self-associates into a triplex-containing symmetrical tetramer. The core of the structure is composed of anti-parallel Watson-Crick (WC) base pairs. Two additional strands are hydrogen-bonded to the Hoogsteen side of the Gs, thus forming CGC(+) triple helices, with G-rich ends folding into G-quartets. These results suggest that such structures could occur when the two DRs are put to close proximity in a biological context.