One hundred and twenty-one patients with postoperative abdominal hernias of different size and location were treated, 103 of them underwent surgery with polypropylene endoprosthesis. Size of hernia was objectively assessed with an original method of X-ray-computed hernioabdominometry. The parameter presents as percentage of relative volume of hernia. Based on this index, hernias were classified by size in the following way: small -- relative volume 1.0 - 5.0%, middle-sized -- 5.1 -14,0%, large -- 14.1 - 18%, gigantic -- over 18.0%. Choice of a hernioplasty method depended on relative volume of postoperative hernia. Middle-sized hernias were indications for reconstructive surgery (complete adaptation of muscular and aponeurotic layers of abdominal wall), gigantic hernias - for correcting surgery (specified diastasis of muscular and aponeurotic layers was maintained). In large hernias the method of hernioplasty was individual depending on compensatory abilities of the patient. Postoperative complications (6.6%) were local and seen in 6.6% cases. There were no lethal outcomes and complications associated with endoprosthesis. Recurrences of hernia were not revealed in all 103 patients examined from 6 months to 2.5 years after surgery.