HPCT-1E3 cells, a fusion cell line between primary rat hepatocytes and Fao Reuber hepatoma cells H35, are immortalized hybrid cells with many phenotypic properties of liver parenchyma including phase I and II metabolism and bile acid secretion. Selective elimination of endogenous compounds and drugs by the liver involves transport proteins that complementarily mediate uptake and efflux in co-operation with metabolism, but the study of this function is limited by the unavailability of an integrated in vitro model. Therefore, we investigated the expression of some important liver-specific import and export carrier proteins for organic anions in this cell line. RT-PCR analysis indicated gene expression of Oat2, Oatplal, Oatpla4, Oatplb2, Rfc-1/MTX-1, FOLR, Mrp1-6, mdr1, and Lrp. Uptake and efflux as well as inhibition studies confirmed the functional activity of Oat, Oatp, Rfc-1, Mrp, and Mdr carriers. In conclusion, the hepatocyte-like HPCT-1E3 cell line shows endogenous expression of all liver-specific carrier proteins for organic anions and may hence represent a valuable in vitro model for the study of transport phenomena and their regulation in hepatocytes.