Fetuses from normal and manifestly diabetic rats were obtained on pregnancy day 20. The fetuses from the diabetic rats were of normal or malformed morphology. Three tissue groups were dissected free; costal cartilage, the hard tissue of the rear, and of the frontal portion of the mandible. These tissues were maintained in vitro for 24 h during which time they were labelled with [35S]sulphate. After the culture period the tissues were extracted with guanidine HCl and the resulting residues were further extracted with alkali. The culture medium was saved and its macromolecular content was compared to that of the extracts. The proteoglycans recovered in all extracts eluted at two distinct positions after chromatography on a Sepharose CL-2B column (peak I: Kav approximately 0.4, and peak II: Kav approximately 0.8), but the elution patterns were markedly different in extracts from various tissues. Thus, in rib cartilage, the majority of the labelled proteoglycans were located in peak I (approximately 90%) with no difference between extracts of fetuses from normal and diabetic pregnancies. In extracts of mandibular cartilaginous tissue from normal rat offspring the peak I percentage (60-80%) was lower than in the rib cartilage extracts. In the extracts from the frontal portion of malformed mandibles of fetuses of diabetic rats, the peak I percentage (35 +/- 21%) was the lowest of all recorded and the only one to significantly differ from the other percentages in its (the frontal mandible) group. The results show an association between a congenital malformation, micrognathia, and a disturbance in the production of chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans in the malformed region.