In the zygaenid moth, Pseudopidorus fasciata, both larval diapause induction and termination are under photoperiodic control. In this study, we investigated whether photoperiodic time measurement (with a 24-h light-dark cycle) in this moth is qualitative or quantitative. Photoperiodic response curves, at 22, 25, and 28 degrees C indicated that the incidence of diapause depended on whether the scotophases exceeded the critical night length (CNL) or not. All scotophases longer than the CNL-induced diapause; all scotophases shorter than the CNL-inhibited diapause. The CNL was 10.5h at 25 and 28 degrees C, and 10h at 22 degrees C. By transferring from various short photoperiods (LD 8:16, LD 9:15, LD 10:14, LD 11:13, LD 12:12, and LD 13:11) to a long photoperiod (LD 16:8) at different times, the number of light-dark cycles required for 50% diapause induction at 25 degrees C was 7.14 at LD 8:16, 7.2 at LD 9:15, 7.19 at LD 10:14, 7.16 at LD 11:13, and 7.13 at LD 12:12, without showing a significant difference between the treatments. Only at LD 13:11 (near the CNL), the number of light-dark cycles was significantly increased to 7.64. The intensity of diapause induced under different short photoperiods (LD 8:16, LD 9:15, LD 10:14, LD 11:13, and LD 12:12) at 25 degrees C was not significantly different with an average diapause duration of 36 days. The duration of diapause induced under LD 13:11 was significantly reduced to 32 days. All results indicate that the night-lengths are measured as either "long" or "short" compared with some critical value and suggest that photoperiodic time measurement for diapause induction in this moth is based on a qualitative principle.