Endometrial cancer is a common female malignancy, affecting approximately 40,000 women per year. Despite the publication of several prospective randomized trials, there continues to be controversy regarding the use of adjuvant radiation therapy in endometrial cancer management. It is clear that most women with early-stage, low-risk disease will do well without adjuvant therapy. Intermediate-risk patients are at risk for local-regional relapse, and radiotherapy has been shown to effectively reduce this risk without significantly impacting overall survival. The absence of a clear impact on survival has resulted in a lack of consensus regarding the use of radiotherapy in intermediate-risk patients. At the same time, the patterns of failure in intermediate-risk patients have resulted in differing recommendations regarding appropriate radiotherapy targets. High-risk patients are at risk for both local and distant failure, and chemotherapy has been shown to improve outcome in these patients. High-risk patients are also at risk for local failure, and targeted radiotherapy may be appropriate. In this article, we discuss the controversies surrounding the use of adjuvant radiotherapy in endometrial cancer using an evidence-based approach.