Objectives: The objectives of the present study were to examine sociodemographic correlates of soy food consumption among women at increased risk of breast cancer, describe factors influencing soy food consumption or nonconsumption, and identify women's sources of information about soy foods.
Design: A cross-sectional, self-report survey was used to assess frequency of and factors influencing soy food consumption. Soy food intake was reported for the past year.
Subjects/setting: Participants were 452 women with family histories of breast cancer who were enrolled in a cancer risk assessment program.
Statistical analyses performed: Comparisons between consumers and nonconsumers of soy foods were performed using multivariate logistic regression and chi(2) analyses.
Results: Thirty-two percent reported soy food consumption. Commonly consumed soy foods were vegetable burgers, tofu, and soymilk. Consumers of soy foods were more likely to have higher levels of education and report eating five or more daily servings of fruits and vegetables. The primary reason for consumption of soy foods was eating a healthful diet, whereas insufficient knowledge about soy food preparation was the primary reason stated for nonconsumption. Both consumers and nonconsumers reported obtaining information about soy foods from magazines, friends, and newspapers. Consumers also indicated using the Internet to seek information.
Conclusions: These findings contribute to our understanding of the level of soy intake among women at increased risk for breast cancer and highlight potential factors that may influence women's decisions regarding soy food consumption. Women, particularly in this vulnerable population, would benefit from clear messages regarding the health effects of soy.