Electronic absorption and resonance Raman spectra of ferric cytochrome c embedded in wet silica gels, in the presence of guanidine HCl as unfolding agent, between pH 0.35 and 7.0 are presented. The data clearly show that the ferric form of the protein encapsulated in sol-gel preserves its active site conformation. However, the spectra of the unfolded embedded protein are different from the corresponding spectra in solution suggesting that a strong interaction between the protein and the sol-gel takes place upon unfolding. The unfolding process mainly depends on the interaction between the exposed positive charges of the unfolded protein and the negatively charged functional groups of the silica surfaces. While this interaction partially stabilizes the protein in its native structure even at very acidic pH, in the presence of denaturants it has the opposite effect, causing mainly the weakening of both the heme-protein and the heme-ligand interactions.