Objective: Describe sexually transmitted disease/human immunodeficiency virus prevention interventions targeting men who have sex with men (MSM) in commercial sex venues (CSV).
Study: Compilation of descriptive and evaluation data from the CDC 8-city MSM Syphilis Response on interventions conducted in bathhouses/sex clubs, circuit parties, the Internet, male sex workers, and the adult film industry.
Results: Interventions in the commercial sex industry (CSI) often involved multiple collaborative efforts between public health departments (PHD), community-based organizations (CBO), and CSV owners and managers. Education and condoms were provided at multiple venues, including circuit parties, bathhouses, and sex clubs. CBO staff reported one-on-one street and CSV outreach to engage MSM at risk. Evaluation data demonstrate that MSM exposed to media campaigns were more aware of syphilis and more likely to have been tested for syphilis than MSM who did not see the campaigns.
Conclusions: PHD and CBO are using multiple means of reaching MSM in the CSI. Evaluations are needed to determine which of these efforts decreases syphilis transmission.