Statutory health insurance data are being increasingly used for secondary data research. Longitudinal data can be prepared for research in health care, epidemiology or demand planning, in particular through the person-related nature of the data which is a precondition for the creation of inter-sector and inter-period data sets. This application possibility was introduced in a method study "person-related sampling of statutory health insurance data" and is now translated into practice on a larger scale for the first time in the regional sample "Versichertenstichprobe AOK Hessen/KV Hessen". For the collection and use of these data, model procedures were designed which take account of organisational (data access, contractual agreement, advisory board), technical (sampling, collection and storage of data) and confidentiality (data protection concept, pseudonymisation) aspects. The insured person-related sample may thus serve as a basis for the data pool planned for the national health system (Social Security Regulation 303 a-SGB V).