Asphalt is a mixture of mineral matter and bitumen, its fumes contain about 1% of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH), some of which are carcinogens. In the PPTP-POPA Study of Lombardy Region, a group of 100 asphalt workers (exposed to bitumen fumes and diesel exhausts) and a group of 47 ground construction operators (exposed only to diesel exhausts) were investigated to assess PAH exposure in Italy, by means of environmental-air monitoring (the 16 most relevant, according to the American Environmental Protection Agency, EPA) and biological monitoring (urinary 1-hydroxypyrene excretion). Our results show that PAH exposure in these workers is not higher than that observed in traffic policemen working in urban areas. Since dermal exposure has been suggested as a major determinant of the total PAH dose absorbed by road pavers from bitumen fumes, we assessed skin contamination by organic aromatic compounds and by sixteen PAH: in both groups, six pads were applied to each subject in different parts of the body, during the workshift. The results show that the dermal contamination in road pavers is higher than in ground construction operators and that cutaneous dose rate is higher than respiratory dose rate, whereas the amount of absorption the ratio is inverted.