Secreted proteases are thought as potential virulent factors of Tricophyton rubrum. Based on cDNA libraries of 6 physiological phases of Tricophyton rubrum, 9683 unique ESTs were obtained by DNA sequencing. By bioinformatic analysis, 18 ESTs of putative secreted proteases were obtained from the established ESTs library, including 4 secreted peptidases, 1 secreted metalloprotease, 2 extracellular serine proteases, 1 secreted aspartic proteinase, 9 secreted subtilisin-like proteases and 1 vacuolar serine protease. These secreted proteases are related to nutrient uptake, lesion extension and host immune responses elicitation in the process of T. rubrum infection. These results provide a clue to further research on the infection and pathogencity of T. rubrum.