Objectives: Patient scheduled for infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery carries a high risk of cardiac or respiratory comorbidity. To outline the perioperative management for these patients.
Methods: Review of the literature using MesH Terms "abdominal aortic aneurysm", "anesthesia", "analgesia" "critical care" and/or "surgery" in Medline database.
Results: Cardiac preoperative evaluation and management have recently been reviewed. Intermediate and high-risk patients should undergo non-invasive cardiac testing to decide between a preoperative medical strategy (using betablocker+/-statin and aspirin) and an interventional strategy (coronary angioplasty or cardiac surgery). Perioperative myocardial ischaemia should also be investigated by clinical, electrocardiographic and biologic monitoring such as plasmatic troponin Ic dosage. Specific score could also assess the respiratory failure risk preoperatively. Epidural analgesia decreases this risk. There is no evidence that a pharmacological treatment decreases the incidence of acute renal failure after aortic surgery. Endovascular repair is actually recommended for older, higher-risk patients or patients with a hostile abdomen or other technical factors that may complicate standard open repair.